Deployment Options

Simple configuration options related to the Kiali deployment, like the installation namespace, logger settings, resource limits and scheduling options for the Kiali pod.

There are other, more complex deployment settings, described in dedicated pages:

Kiali and Istio installation namespaces

By default, the Kiali operator installs Kiali in the same namespace where the Kiali CR is created. However, it is possible to specify a different namespace for installation:

spec: deployment: namespace: "custom-kiali-namespace"

It is assumed that Kiali is installed to the same namespace as Istio. Kiali reads some Istio resources and may not work properly if those resources are not found. Thus, if you are installing Kiali and Istio on different namespaces, you must specify what is the Istio namespace:

spec: istio_namespace: "istio-system"

Log level and format

By default, Kiali will print up to INFO-level messages in simple text format. You can change the log level, output format, and time format as in the following example:

spec: deployment: logger: # Supported values are "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" and "fatal" log_level: error # Supported values are "text" and "json". log_format: json time_field_format: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

The syntax for the time_field_format is the same as the Time.Format function of the Go language.

The json format is useful if you are parsing logs of your applications for further processing.

In Kiali, there are some special logs called audit logs that are emitted each time a user creates, updates or deletes a resource through Kiali. Audit logs are INFO-level messages and are enabled by default. If audit logs are too verbose, you can disable them without reducing the log level as follows:

spec: server: audit_log: false

Kiali instance name

If you plan to install more than one Kiali instance on the same cluster, you may need to configure an instance name to avoid conflicts on created resources:

spec: deployment: instance_name: "secondary"

The instance_name will be used as a prefix for all created Kiali resources. The exception is the kiali-signing-key secret which will always have the same name and will be shared on all deployments of the same namespace, unless you specify a custom secret name.

Resource requests and limits

You can set the amount of resources available to Kiali using the spec.deployment.resources attribute, like in the following example:

spec: deployment: resources: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "500m"

Please, read the Managing Resources for Containers section in the Kubernetes documentation for more details about possible configurations.

Custom labels and annotations on the Kiali pod and service

Although some labels and annotations are set on the Kiali pod and on its service (depending on configurations), you can add additional ones. For the pod, use the spec.deployment.pod_labels and spec.deployment.pod_annotations attributes. For the service, you can only add annotations using the spec.deployment.service_annotations attribute. For example:

spec: deployment: pod_annotations: "" pod_labels: "true" service_annotations: ""

Kiali page title (browser title bar)

If you have several Kiali installations and you are using them at the same time, there are good chances that you will want to identify each Kiali by simply looking at the browser’s title bar. You can set a custom text in the title bar with the following configuration:

spec: installation_tag: "Kiali West"

The installation_tag is any human readable text of your desire.

Kubernetes scheduler settings

Replicas and automatic scaling

By default, only one replica of Kiali is deployed. If needed, you can change the replica count like in the following example:

spec: deployment: replicas: 2

If you prefer automatic scaling, creation of an HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource is supported. For example, the following configuration automatically scales Kiali based on CPU utilization:

spec: deployment: hpa: api_version: "autoscaling/v1" spec: minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 2 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80

Read the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler documentation to learn more about the HPA.

Allocating the Kiali pod to specific nodes of the cluster

You can constrain the Kiali pod to run on a specific set of nodes by using some of the standard Kubernetes scheduler configurations.

The simplest option is to use the nodeSelector configuration which you can configure like in the following example:

spec: deployment: node_selector: worker-type: infra

You can also use the affinity/anti-affinity native Kubernetes feature if you prefer its more expressive syntax, or if you need more complex matching rules. The following is an example for configuring node affinity:

spec: deployment: affinity: node: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: worker-type operator: In values: - infra

Similarly, you can also configure pod affinity and pod anti-affinity using the spec.deployment.affinity.pod and spec.deployment.affinity.pod_anti attributes.

Finally, if you want to run Kiali in a node with taints, the following is an example to configure tolerations:

spec: deployment: tolerations: # Allow to run Kiali in a tainted master node - key: "" operator: "Exists" effect: "NoSchedule"

Read the following Kubernetes documentation to learn more about these configurations:

Priority class of the Kiali pod

If you are using priority classes in your cluster, you can specify the priority class that will be set on the Kiali pod. For example:

spec: deployment: priority_class_name: high-priority

For more information about priority classes, read Pod Priority and Preemption in the Kubernetes documentation.

Adding host aliases to the Kiali pod

If you need to provide some static hostname resolution in the Kiali pod, you can use HostAliases to add entries to the /etc/hosts file of the Kiali pod, like in the following example:

spec: deployment: host_aliases: - ip: hostnames: - "foo.local" - "bar.local"

HTTP server

Kiali is served over HTTP. You can configure a few options of the HTTP server. The following are the defaults, but you can change them to suit your needs.

spec: server: # Listen/bind address of the HTTP server. By default it is empty, which means to # listen on all interfaces. address: "" # Listening port of the HTTP server. If you change it, also Kiali's Kubernetes # Service is affected to use this port. port: 20001 # Use GZip compression for responses larger than 1400 bytes. You may want to disable # compression if you are exposing Kiali via a reverse proxy that is already # doing compression. gzip_enabled: true # For development purposes only. Controls if "Cross-Origin Resourse Sharing" is # enabled. cors_allow_all: false

There is one additional spec.server.web_root option that affects the HTTP server, but that one is described in the Specifying route settings section of the Instalation guide.

Metrics server

Kiali emits metrics that can be collected by Prometheus. Most of these metrics are performance measurements.

The metrics server is enabled by default and listens on port 9090:

spec: server: metrics_enabled: true metrics_port: 9090

The bind address is the same as the HTTP server. Thus, make sure that the HTTP Server and the metrics server are not configured to the same port.

Last modified August 15, 2022: docs: typo (#572) (30e28be)